
Monday, November 19, 2018

Thinking about a vacation home in Mexico?

Here are some helpful links:


* Portus: http://www.portusmexico.com/ (Most affordable prices)
* Quivira: https://www.quiviraloscabos.com/ (Most complete amenities, affordable prices, Luxury residences and timeshare)
* The Paraiso Residences: https://www.theparaisoresidences.com/ (Great location)
* Solaria: http://www.solariacabo.com// (The best ocean view)
* Maravilla Los Cabos: https://maravillaloscabos.com//
* Solaz: http://www.solazresidences.com//
* Diamante: https://diamantecabosanlucas.com/properties/real-estate/
* Delmar: http://delmarre.com//
* Espiritu at Palmilla: http://espirituatpalmilla.com/
* Querencia: https://qcabo.com/
* El Encanto de la Laguna: https://www.elencantoloscabos.net/
* Puerto Los Cabos: http://puertoloscabos.com/real-estate/
* The Ritz-Carlton: http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/residences/los-cabos
* Rancho San Lucas: https://www.ranchosanlucas.com/
* Costa Palmas: https://costapalmas.com/

Call me to discuss these opportunities and I will be happy to hook you up with the Local Expert!

Mark Slade
Keller Williams

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